
My name is Ackerly Shelzam. I have been a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant from 2011 to 2021. I’m currently a certified personal trainer via National Academy of Sports Medicine. I have been working with athletes including world class caliber such as NFL, MLB, etc. since 2013.  I love my job and I enjoy working with anyone of any age or ability who wishes to have a better understanding of their situation.

I believe in movement and getting people appropriately strong to handle the demands of their sport/goals using the most current body of research and literature. I also believe in educating the athlete to empower them. I have a good understanding of pain science which can allow the athlete to better appreciate what type of pain can be worked through, and what levels are clearly sensitizing their system and ultimately slowing down progress.  If you give me the opportunity to work with you I also believe in listening to your story to it’s entirety to formulate the best plan for success. I hold myself to a high standard of care in regards to referring out to a medical doctor or appropriate professional when indicated.

In my free time my wife and I enjoy basically anything outdoors. We camp, snowboard, rock climb, hike, white water raft, and also enjoy what we call urban hiking and dining around Seattle.